Game Launch


"A 2D epic Battle in space for survival"


The narrative takes inspiration from the Greek legend of the creator of mankind, Prometheus. Tartarusutilises a rudimentary genetic algorithm for an individual-based dynamic difficulty adjustment system.


The game’s purpose is to have the player in a state of flow for as long as possible and so, they should feel highly focused and happy in accordance to Csikszentmihalyi’s flow model.


Tartarus takes place in a distant future of the outer reaches of the universe where planetary habitation is close to impossible due to centuries of resource excavation and pollution. Humans have to live on space ships called ‘home ships’. Prometheus (a home ship) has sent their scouting spacecraft (Apollo) on a mission in response to a distress signal. Unbeknownst to them, an enemy home ship ‘Zeus’ was the one that sent the distress signal in order to lure the Apollo to them and ‘steal’ Prometheus technology.

Win/Loss conditions:

Defeat Zeus by collecting five purple EMP charges to shutdown the ships computer system.  If the Apollo ship is hit three times, it will be destroyed.


  • Prometheus — the most advanced home ship of all, boasting to have the finest livingqualities and facilities for space farming.
  • Apollo — the player controlled ship, an unarmed, remote controlled highly agilescouting spacecraft (4.1).
  • Zeus — the antagonist, a gargantuan home ship known for their barbaric ways. Theyare on their last limbs in terms of survival and the only way it can ensure the survivalof its people is to steal Prometheus technology.


'WASD' or arrow key controls to move the ship. 'P' to pause.


Files Play in browser
Apr 05, 2020

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